About Me

The person behind Historical Research Update: Meet Cathy

Meet Cathy

For me, there is nothing like browsing in libraries and bookstores. The anticipation and the lure of the unknown, hoping it will lead me to something that inspires and motivates me.

I’ve turned my love of browsing into this business, delivering inspiration to writers and other history enthusiasts.

I discovered my love for history when I was 14 years old and the U.S. Air Force transferred my family to England. Traveling to castles, cathedrals, ruins and cities, I felt the stories of these places and understood that history is not solely about the dates we are required to memorize in school.

History is stories. Endless stories. My passion for those stories has been a driving force in my life. It led me to my love of reading, my master’s degree in history,  and my enthusiasm for history journals.

I know what it’s like to get lost in a great story. With this ebook I want to show you how academic journals can inspire you and make it easier for you to write those stories. 

Download my FREE Ebook

Learn to write history with confidence by using academic journals to get your facts straight.

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