It’s Memorial Day here in the United States, the day we honor and remember those who died in service to our country. Most of them died during war, either declared or undeclared.
Although large numbers are often difficult to grasp, each of the numbers below represents a human being with a life story.
According to a PBS story using the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs as its source, the number of United States military deaths during war time are as follows:
- Revolutionary War – 4,435
- War of 1812 – 2,260
- Indian Wars – 1,000
- Mexican War – 13,283
- Civil War – 498,332
- Spanish-American War – 2,446
- World War I – 116,516
- World War II – 405,399
- Korean War – 54,246
- Vietnam War – 90,220
- Persian Gulf War – 1,565
- Global War on Terror – 6,852
So today, please take a moment to remember those who died in service to our country and made your barbecue possible.